Our Story


We have been spontaneous, occasionally crazed entrepreneurs for over 30 years.  Tumbling out of college with master degrees we began workaday lives in social work and municipal government–when it occurred to us that perhaps we could work for ourselves….and that is just what we did…..only to find that the non- stop big city pace, never-ending office hours, constant crowd and traffic crunch …..well it was just time for a change.   Sell our mortgage biz and “get out of Dodge”…and so we did.

After a lifetime in Chicago it was time for a BIG change; and after quite the search in five different states, we picked Montana and Bozeman where we knew …not one person.  From the City of Big Shoulders to Big Sky country, we arrived with our three young children and a heap of hopes and dreams for the quality of life we were searching for; and as many of you know…… Montana does not disappoint!   It did not take too long to realize that just about everyone we met,  many of whom came here from other places were looking for the same thing…the vibe we now call “Montanatude.”

 Over the last 15 years in Montana we have had a few entrepreneurial “adventures” and, somewhere  along the way, we realized that we were  completely obsessed with this place – Montana truly is The Last Best Place.

What better than to own a print and digital zine business where we could talk and tout Montana to residents and visitors alike. That, of course, is not a solo effort…so we surrounded ourselves with talented staff, prolific writers and lively photographers from every part of this state……all of whom bring their special perspective to Distinctly Montana.

 With the help of our core team--editor Valerie Harms and art director Robert Rath-- we are creating something that makes us all feel wonderful about what we do… living the dream and loving the life…here in Montana.

Bill Muhlenfeld & Anthea George