Flathead Audubon: Great Backyard Bird Count Field Trip -- WHITEFISH -- February 15th

February 15th

The world is now our backyard.  Participate with Flathead Audubon on Sunday, February 15 in the annual Great Backyard Bird Count.  Birders will explore the Bigfork, Swan River and surrounding area, counting winter birds at feeders, and looking for other winter avian residents, such as Swans and Pygmy Owls. 

Meet at 9 a.m. at the east end of the Swan River School main parking area, off MT Highway 83.  Birders will return about Noon.  Dress for the weather and bring binoculars and/or spotting scopes.  To sign up, email trip leader Kathy Ross at [email protected] or call 837-3837.  Birders of all ages, especially families with children, are welcome.
