Letters & Science Distinguished Speakers Series: Matthew Byerly -- BOZEMAN -- January 28th

January 28th

Matthew Byerly, a professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center, and Jason DeShaw, a Montana Country-Western singer with Bipolar Disorder, will present "The Science and Experience of Mental Illness."

Join us for a discussion to better understand mental illness, from both the patient perspective and from that of the clinical and scientific community. The goal of the Center for Mental Health Research and Recovery at MSU, in collaboration with the Montana chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI), is to develop innovative and effective diagnostic and treatment strategies to improve the quality of lives of people who struggle with these disorders. This evening will explore the experience of mental illness and our current best practices for its diagnosis and treatment. We will hear from Jason Deshaw, a Montana cowboy who is a nationally acclaimed country western singer/songwriter/guitarist who struggles with bipolar disorder, and from Dr. Matt Bylerly, a psychiatrist and scientist at UT Southwestern, who has devoted his career to improving the diagnosis and treatment of serious mental illness. This evening will enrich our appreciation of the complexity of the human condition.

Location: Strand Union Building, MSU
