This Griz Can Move! Scientists Incredulous

grizzly Ethyl, the 20-year-old wandering female grizzly, has arrived at one of the greatest grizzly bear territories in the world — Glacier National Park.

It might be only a temporary visit, knowing her — she has been roving thousands of square miles in Montana and northern Idaho for the past two years.

The latest transmission from her Argos satellite collar was on Aug. 11, when she was about 12 miles southeast of historic Lake McDonald Lodge.

"She's been in Glacier Park for the past month," said Rick Mace, a grizzly bear research biologist for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks in Kalispell, Montana.

The first transmission of the year, after she emerged from hibernation, was received May 2, when she was pinpointed five miles south of St. Regis, Montana, Mace said Friday.

Biologists flew over her then, finding her practically "rock climbing" May 5 near Dry Creek. They snapped a photograph for proof as she climbed a steep, rocky hillside.

MORE>>>The Oregonian

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