Montana Ranked #1 for Well-Being!

well being in montanaThe American Dream Well-Being sub-index measures the extent of resident contentment, health and prosperity in life. It is developed from the following dimensions:

Family Support

Support of Friends

Support of Someone Special


Freedom of Expression

Fruits of My Labor

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Leisure Activities

Social Status

Personal Health

Satisfaction with Residence


This is the sub-index that would likely be impacted most directly by the quality of a resident’s non-work life. For employers, employee dissatisfaction with and/or lack of engagement in their community outside of work contributes to turn-over. That is why the traditional “Best Places to Live” surveys are paid attention to by HR Directors. The impact of well-being has been scientifically studied and described as “job embeddedness”. It is described in the literature as “community dimensions of fit”. Lack of “fit” contributes to higher voluntary turn-over among employees. Locations with a higher well-being score may offer employers a competitive advantage in employee retention.

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