4 Hour XC Marathon -- BILLINGS -- October 5th

October 05th

The BMC Four-Hour Cross Country Marathon is exactly what it sounds like …  a non-stop four hour endurance race with rider teams of two, with each rider completing two laps before the rider change. The Four-hour marathon race currently takes advantage of a large portion of the 1,400 acre space using the Motocross Track, the Endurocross Track and miles of wild bad lands terrain to hold a challenging race for the pros and an appropriate version for youth riders. In addition to sage brush side-hilling, single tracks, deep coulees, winding uphill shots, wide sweepers, snaking-through-the-trees lines, and rocky rooty sections, this Wiley Coyote course typically adds a MX track section, Endurocross course section, hill climbs and descents and a portion of the facility’s lower grounds for high speed transition. Competitors train hard and spectators enjoy a family picnic style day, with wide a variety of viewing locations at an awesome October event.
