Yaak School Arts & Crafts Fair-- YAAK-- July 5th

July 05th

Tour one of the last remaining one room school houses in Montana and attend the Yaak School Arts and Crafts Fair featuring local artists and food. It will be a great day to visit with your neighbors and old friends, shop at the silent auction, listen to music, eat locally prepared food, buy raffle tickets for our Americana quilt, and see what Yaak vendors have for sale. Participants will display a variety of items: art, writing, food, plants, jewelry, pottery, photography, rugs, information about organizations, handmade crafts, woodworking, and garden produce. In addition there will be book signing, face painting, juggling, and children’s activities. 



A short documentary concerning life in the isolated community of Yaak, Montana. Conceived for MSU's junior non-fiction course, 2009. Watch now!