VIDEO: Black Ice Makes Getting to the Front Door an Epic Journey

Man vs. ice
Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

Charlie Chaplin. Buster Keaton. Harold Lloyd. These are the most famous names in silent film comedy, the bona fide geniuses that have kept us laughing for over a hundred years. Their pratfalls and antics have yet to be rivaled in the annals of comedy history, until now. Now, a new comedy genius has come to ascend the throne. 

Now, before you leave an angry comment about how this video was filmed in England, we're going to ask you to take a deep breath, ask yourself whether that comment is really necessary, and then watch the video. If you don't laugh, check your pulse. 

Plus, we're no strangers to black ice in Montana. As such, this video serves as a hilarious reminder of the utmost importance of good traction. 

Man vs. ice
Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

The man in the video is a policeman from Plymouth, Devon, in England. He parks outside of his house, where a CCTV camera manages to capture every hysterical moment of his arduous journey across the 7 or 8 feet to his front door.

In fact, it's a pretty good metaphor for the human condition in general. He falls, yes. But he gets up again. To paraphrase the classic Chumbawumba tune "Tubthumping (I Get Knocked Down)", well, you're never going to keep him down. 

Does he ever get into his house? And even if he does, how much of him will be left?

You've just got to watch the video to find out...

Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

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