VIDEO: Rabbit Is a Little Too Big for Hawk To Carry

Hawk vs. Bunny
Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

We've all been there, especially around the holidays - your eyes are a little too big for your stomach.  Maybe you grab too big a slice of pumpkin pie, thinking you'll be able to take it down.  But then you find you've overestimated yourself. 

Well, this hawk has decided on a little hasenpfeffer for dinner, and it's determined to eat it no matter what.  Too bad he can't carry it very far. 

Hawk vs. Bunny
Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

The video was filmed in Katy, Texas, in a parking lot outside of a gym.  The woman filming said she "was walking towards the gym with my three-year-old in the parking lot after I got out of my car. The bird was having a hard time carrying what I thought was a dead animal. To our surprise, while zooming in on the video a little more. He tried to fly off with the animal but let go of it. The animal was surprisingly alive, and it was a bunny. It got away."

It's easy enough to watch it and be happy for the little rabbit, but what about the poor hawk?  What will he and his family eat?  

We suppose there might be a lesson here: don't get greedy.  Don't go for a nice, fat rabbit when a field mouse would do. 

See the whole video below!

Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

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