VIDEO: Slow Moving Bobcat Obstructs Traffic

Bobcat in the road
Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

You ever get stuck behind some slow-moving traffic that won't just pull over and let you get by (like on the Beartooth, perhaps? Or in Yellowstone?)? Isn't it annoying?  

On the other hand, how annoying is it to be the slow-moving traffic? When all you want to do is take your time and enjoy the view, but everyone behind you is honking impatiently?  

These are the dual situations faced by this Alaskan man and this lynx. The man was driving home from work when he came up behind the little slow poke. The lynch, for its part, was reluctant to yield its spot right in the center of the road. Eventually, though, the lynx did cede his spot in the road.   

Bobcat in the road
Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

The bobcat, or lynx, is a remarkably adaptable animal, able to live comfortably in almost any North American biome. They are about twice as large as a regular housecat, and many-times more aggressive. In fact, bobcat are capable of bringing down a full-sized adult deer. 

Bobcat are less likely to be seen on a road or near civilization than, say, a bear, which is why this video is such an endearingly odd encounter. 

See the whole video below, and leave a comment if you've ever encountered a slow-moving bobcat yourself! 

Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

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