Caves, Pictographs, and Picnics, Oh My: Adventure at Pictograph Cave State Park

Throughout the state, you see brown signs saying “State Park Ahead” or something along those lines. One of the state parks outside of Billings is attractive to all history and geology buffs alike.

Pictograph Cave State Park comprises three caves: Pictograph, Middle, and Ghost. 

Ghost cave has remnants of people living in the cave as close as 200-500 years ago. The Pictograph caves walls contain drawings left by the dwellers who resided there. The middle cave isn’t accessible to visitors, but archeologists believe no one inhabited this cave. This cave also seems to have had a workshop, as archaeologists have found bows, bones, and beads in the area. 

The loop walking trail is under a mile long and partially paved. It’s the perfect place to get out and stretch your legs!

Parts of Montana used to be underwater. Along the way into the park, keep your eyes open for rocks that look like ice cream cones. The round rock used to be a clam bed leaving behind calcium deposits and making it erode slower than the sandstone around it.

The park recreation center has history, artifacts, and stories behind the archeological excavation and preservation of the park.

Pack a lunch as there are picnic tables around the beginning of the trail, and it can be a well-deserved lunch after browsing the park for an hour or so. 

Visit the Pictograph Cave State Park this summer!

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