12-year old Alessandro Breda of Italy is an avid hiker. While on a hike with his family in the Brenta Dolomites range of the Italian Alps, the sky was blue, the weather was fine, and the family hadn't a care in the world. Alessandro heard a noise behind him and turned to see that he was being followed by a terrifyingly massive grizzly bear. This kid is one cool cucumber (is that a saying in Italy? We bet it isn't), and Alessandro never panicked.

The Brenta Dolomites mountain range is the only place in Italy where brown bears still survive in the wild. This bear is a Ursus arctos, or what we North Americans would call a grizzly bear. Their numbers have recently grown in the Brenta Dolomites, much strengthened by the mixing in of bears from Slovenia. Approximately 30 bears still populate the park.

Alessandro didn't miss a beat. He slowly began walking away from the beast, all the while maintaining his placid comportment. At one point, the bear rears up on its hind legs to get a better look at the humans. The bear outweighs Alessandro by many times, but Alessandro never loses his cool, even as the bear gets to within lunging distance. The brave boy takes a few glances behind him as he tiptoes down the hill, encouraged by his father's calm instructions and encouragement.
The bear looks on, curious, rearing up on his hind legs several more times, but he never makes any threatening moves. Eventually, the brown bear wanders away, and the family escapes with some memories of a lifetime, and the video to match!
This is one of the bravest kids we've ever seen, and we tip our cowboy hats to him! Well done, Alessandro! Bravo! If you're ever in Montana, espresso is on us!
The Brenta Group, or, Brenta Dolomites (Italian: Dolomiti di Brenta) is a mountain range and a subrange of the Rhaetian Alps in the Southern Limestone Alps mountain group. They are located in the Province of Trentino, in northeastern Italy.
It is the only dolomitic group west of river Adige. Therefore, geographically, they have not always been considered a part of the Dolomites mountain ranges.

Geologically, however, they definitely are, and therefore are sometimes called the "Western Dolomites." As part of the Dolomites, the Brenta Group has been officially recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Site under the World Heritage Convention.
The ski slopes are located on the west side of the Brenta Group in Val Rendena, surrounding the ski resorts of Madonna di Campiglio and Pinzolo.

Most of the lifts and ski slopes are located on the shouldering mountains Doss del Sabion and Monte Spinale. There is however, a long modern high capacity lift that goes from Madonna del Campiglio right up the main chain of the Brenta Group to Passo Grostè at 2444 meters.
In all, the Ski Area Campiglio Dolomiti di Brenta-Val di Sole-Val Rendena can offer around 150 km of piste on 98 ski slopes of all difficulty grades, facilitated by 63 lifts. On the east side of the Brenta Group, the ski slopes are located on the Paganella. The Paganella Ski Area can offer around 50 km of piste, facilitated by 16 lifts. The skiing area above Molveno at Pradel is very small but offers a splendid view into the central part of the Brenta Group.
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