VIDEO: Adorable Toddler Feeds Big Cow, Then Says "Thank You!"

Kid feeds cow
Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

You know you've raised a kid well when he is so polite that he thanks cows.  Of course, the little guy doesn't start looking so thankful.  In fact, he seems pretty terrified of the cow.  And why shouldn't he?  An enormous brahmin like that, well, the kid's just barely as big as its head.

What's more, it's clear the little guy doesn't want to be feeding this enormous prehistoric beast. The video, filmed in North Carolina, must be from one some sort of drive-through petting zoo, and the little tyke is clutching a big cup of feed.  As soon as the gigantic head of the beast appears in his window, the toddler is very concerned.  And then when it opens its enormous, gaping maw to get some of the feed the little man shuts his eyes and waits to be eaten himself. 

Kid feeds cow
Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

But to his evident relief, the great big cow doesn't eat the little boy at all.  The cow has also removed the cup of feed entirely, which the boy doesn't mind since it was sort of cumbersome anyway.  The little boy is so overcome with relief over the way the whole thing turned out that he says, "thank you!" to the now-vacant cow.  

What does the "thank you" mean?  Is the boy thanking the cow for not swallowing him whole?  For relieving him of the burden of the bucket?  For letting the little boy feed him?  

Whatever the answer, one thing is for sure: that's a very good little boy for saying thank you. 

See the whole charming video below!

Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

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