VIDEO: Pine Marten Chases Squirrel Around and Around Tree in Yellowstone

Pine marten chasing squirrel

Source: Youtube channel ViralHog

Folks, heed this romantic advice: find yourself someone who chases you the way this Yellowstone American Pine Marten chases this grey squirrel. 

Or, actually, maybe not, because if that pine marten ever catches that squirrel, there's a pretty good chance that the latter will get eaten.

Pine marten chasing squirrel

Source: Youtube channel ViralHog

Pine Martens were nearly hunted to extinction by fur trappers in the 19th century, but has significantly rebounded in population since then.  The slender, furry weasels are, indeed, omnivorous.  They particularly like to eat small rodents such as voles, but they definitely aren't above eating squirrels, apart from the added difficulty in catching them. In winter, they have been known to hunt, kill and eat prey as large as snowshoe hares.  If there isn't anything bite-sized around, they're absolutely capable of taking down some reasonably large woodland mammals, relatively speaking.

Just look at them - around and around they go.  Since the video ends without any resolution, we assume that they're still going around the tree even now.

See the whole video below, and try not to get dizzy!

Source: Youtube channel ViralHog

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