For the Birds!

Montana bald eagleA chart on the wall lists all of the raptors admitted, why they're there and if and when it was released. The Montana Raptor Conservation Center sees an average of 150 birds a year. This time last year, they were at 108 birds. This year, they're at 141.

BOZEMAN, Mont. -

A raptor rehabilitation center in Bozeman tells NBC Montana it's on track to help a record number of birds this year -- all with just two paid employees, private donations and grants. When we found out just how busy these folks are, we wanted to find out why and how they're keeping their doors open with limited resources.

Montana Raptor Conservation Center Director Becky Kean and Assistant Director Jordan Spyke are caring for a young osprey who just made it to the center Wednesday. When they responded to the call, the bird was tangled on bailing net, high in its nest. It had a swollen leg and, possibly, a fractured pelvis.



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