News: Flash Flooding in Downtown Helena Over the Holiday Weekend

On July 3, 2022, Helena experienced a flash flood downtown. A storm passed through, causing some of the roads to look like rivers and leaving local housing and businesses with water in their buildings, especially those businesses located in the Last Chance Gulch area.
The Lewis and Clark Library in particular experienced flooding in the building. Thankfully the library didn’t lose any books to the water that made its way into the building.
The flash flood caused downed branches and a tree near the Great Northern Carousel. The Cinemark also experienced water entering the lobby, forcing staff to evacuate its customers. YWCA Helena experienced a flooded basement causing damage to some of their inventory. Please consider donating to help replace what they lost on their website.
This year, Montana has seen plenty of odd weather. Hopefully, this will be the last bit of flooding for a while now.

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